When I moved to Kanagawa I was looking for a new dojo. I tried a few places which might not even be on your radar. I did a few sessions with a systema group (I have some sambo experience) but that turned out to be very odd. I found a Kyokushin offshoot called Maki Dojo which wasn't really to my taste. If eventually found an Ashihara dojo in my town. This was right around the buildup to Tokyo 2020 so I asked if Ashihara Karate had anything to do with the Olympics. The instructor said no so I signed up immediately. I've been with them ever since.

Different people have different priorities it seems. :)

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I enjoyed Sinek's framework as well, and I think I've consciously or unconsciously used similar strategies in my martial arts businesses over the years (3 schools, 1 tournament circuit that shut down with covid, and 1 online encyclopedia).

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I wish more people would examine Sinek's viewpoint. I am certain that some people are stuck in the 80's and 90's and just assume things will continue as before, despite the evidence that is in front of their faces.

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Oh yeah, the world is changing all around us, and now is no time to be an ostrich! Thanks for the food for thought, Tim.

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